Handy SQL Queries for Cisco UC

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Here’s a growing list of handy SQL queries that I’ve found useful over the last few months.


Gather phone information on a specific node:

show risdb query phone

Find a specific speed dial number. The device name, description, speed dial index, label, and number are listed:

run sql select d.name, d.description, sd.speeddialindex, sd.label, sd.speeddialnumber from speeddial as sd inner join device as d on sd.fkdevice=d.pkid where speeddialnumber like '655%'

View call forwarding status on all line apperances:

run sql select n.dnorpattern, cfd.cfadestination, cfd.cfavoicemailenabled from numplan as n inner join callforwarddynamic as cfd on cfd.fknumplan=n.pkid order by n.dnorpattern

Find a specific external number mask:

run sql select dnorpattern, d.description, e164mask from devicenumplanmap inner join numplan on fknumplan=numplan.pkid join device d on fkdevice = d.pkid where e164mask= "3335683130"

List all EndUsers and primary directory number:

run sql select e.userid, n.dnorpattern from enduser as e, numplan as n, endusernumplanmap as x where (e.pkid = x.fkenduser and x.fknumplan = n.pkid)


List users with total, inbox, and deleted messages:

run cuc dbquery unitymbxdb1 select alias as UserID, count (*) as messages, sum(case when deleted='0' then 1 else 0 end) as Inboxmessages, sum(case when deleted='1' then 1 else 0 end) as Deletedmessages from vw_message, unitydirdb: vw_mailbox, unitydirdb:vw_user where mailboxobjectid in (select mailboxid from vw_mailbox where unitydirdb:vw_user.objectid = unitydirdb:vw_mailbox.userobjectid) group by alias order by messages desc

List messages for a specific mailbox:

run cuc dbquery unitymbxdb1 select alias as UserID, count (*) as messages, sum(case when deleted='0' then 1 else 0 end) as Inboxmessages, sum(case when deleted='1' then 1 else 0 end) as Deletedmessages from vw_message, unitydirdb: vw_mailbox, unitydirdb:vw_user where mailboxobjectid in (select mailboxid from vw_mailbox where unitydirdb:vw_user.objectid = unitydirdb:vw_mailbox.userobjectid) and alias like 'jsmith%' group by alias order by messages desc


Check skill mapping:

run uccx sql db_cra select s.skillname, rsm.competencelevel, r.resourceLoginID, r.extension, r.resourceFirstName, r.ResourceLastName,t.teamname from skill s inner join resourceskillmapping rsm on s.skillid = rsm.skillid inner join resource r on rsm.resourceskillmapid = r.resourceskillmapid join team t on r.assignedteamid = t.teamid where s.active = 't' and r.active = 't' order by s.skillname, competencelevel, resourceloginid